
2018.3.18 Crazy model day

       2018.3.18 was my sister's graduation exhibition in school. I was one of  the six models she found.Actually, the sister is my junior sister's sister, it's a complected relationship.😂        17th was clothes design group competition and 18th was accessory's.Both of these two days are preliminary competitions. That day my work was showing a brown and yellow honey case bag and a pair of bees ear rings which are really cute!😍     In  the morning, we start to put a lot of makeup and do our hair.💄 It spent so much time to do with! It's a good thing that I brought book📕 to read during waiting for somebody helping me do my styling. There are two rehearsals in the afternoon👠. All the models need to exactly know when to go out, how long you have to stay at a spot and what type of post is better for showing the clothes, bags or accessories. A funny thing in that day is we found we were the shortest group in all the model.😂😂...

2018 International workshop in Asia university 4.26-4.30

2018 International design workshop was held in March 26th to 30th. First day in the workshop all the students were shocked by the workshop teacher who is Leeds university professor, Micheal Hann, from the UK. He told us he don't allow students to be late. And if we were late, he don't allow us to attend his class. Also no phone in the class, otherwise he will get angry. I remember one day, he kicked out a student from the class because of using phone. So not using phone is a significant thing to remember. Every day, he would teach us some theory of design, such as point, line, plane theory for one hour. After one hour, he would let us go outside for getting some inspirations by ourselves. He loves to take many photos. You can see when he shows you his camera len and proudly says “Is Leica which means really good!” “taking a lot of pictures is always a good thing to get your inspiration.”he said. Thus, we went to Guangfu village to take some photos....
生平 姚期智祖籍湖北孝感,1946年12月24日出生於上海,因國共內戰,幼年隨父母移居台灣,在台灣長大、受教育。1967年,姚期智畢業於台灣大學,之後赴美國深造。1972年獲哈佛大學物理學博士學位,1975年獲伊利諾大學香檳分校計算機科學博士學位。之後,他曾先後在麻省理工學院、史丹福大學、加州大學柏克萊分校等美國高等學府從事教學和研究,1986年至2004年任普林斯頓大學計算機科學系教授,從2004年9月至今任北京清華大學高等研究中心教授。此外,姚期智還是美國國家科學院院士、美國人文及科學院院士、中國科學院外籍院士及台灣中央研究院院士。 成就 姚期智獲得過美國工業與應用數學學會波利亞獎(Pólya Prize),美國計算機協會演算法與計算理論分會(ACM SIGACT)高德納獎(Donald E.Knuth Prize)等榮譽。2000年,因為姚期智對計算理論,包括偽隨機數生成,密碼學與通信複雜性的諸多貢獻,美國計算機協會(ACM)授予他該年度的圖靈獎。 2007年3月29日,姚期智領導成立了中國清華大學理論計算機科學研究中心,並在2010年12月30日領導成立了中國清華大學交叉信息研究院。12月6日,姚期智在台灣國立清華大學應聘擔任榮譽講座。 姚期智之妻儲楓(Frances Yao),2004年至2011年在香港城市大學電腦科學系擔任系主任。 資料來源: 維基百科